Washington Post
Free-market (think tank) merger
Washington Post announces CEI's merger with the Center for Class Action Fairness. Today the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and the Center for Class…
The Courier-Journal
Schnatter: Free enterprise benefits society
The Courier-Journal discusses why Papa John's CEO John Schnatter supports free enterprise by referencing data from a report by CEI. Simply look at…
Epoch Times
8 Reasons Congress Should End Taxpayer Support for the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Epoch Times references CEI's Ryan Young for information on why Congress should allow the Overseas Private Investment Corporation's charter to expire. OPIC claims…
Trump’s immigration stance resonates with voters
Examiner references CEI's report on immigration for data behind Donald Trump's stance on illegal immigration which resonates with voters. The average cost to illegally…
The Daily Caller
OPIC Is The New Ex-Im: House GOP Could Split Again Over Crony Capitalism
The Daily Caller mentions Ryan Young’s report on the Overseas Private Investment Corporation: A recent report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)…
MedPage Today
Do FDA’s Fast-Track Reviews Skimp on Important Data?
MedPage Today talks to CEI's Sam Kazman on FDA approval issues: But Sam Kazman, JD, general counsel at the pro-business Competitive Enterprise Institute…
Colgate-Palmolive Defends $2M Bid To End Hand Soap MDL
Law 360 discusses CEI’s Center for Class Action Fairness’ case objecting to a $2 million Colgate settlement: Colgate-Palmolive Co. defended a proposed $2…
Fox News
Federal Land Management to Blame for Out-of-Control Fires, Say Critics
R. J. Smith discusses the problems of forest fires on public land with Fox News: With 190 million acres of land under…
Fox News
Obama NLRB Pushes Pro-Labor Agenda as Administration Winds Down
Trey Kovacs discusses recent NLRB decisions with Fox News: “They [NLRB] have been active in recent months,” said Trey Kovacs, a labor…
Washington Examiner
Right-To-Work Legislation Defeated in Missouri
The Washington Examiner talks to CEI's Trey Kovacs about the recent veto of Missouri Right-To-Work legislation: "In failing to override the governor's…
Daily Caller
These Are The Union-Backed MO Republicans Blocking Right-To-Work
The Daily Caller discusses Right-To-Work legislation in Missouri with CEI's Trey Kovacs: The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), however, has stated in a…
Compliance Insights
Citi Settles at $590Mn, So Lawyers Settle for 17%- Citi Objects
Compliance Insights discusses the case in which lawyers representing class members in a case against Citigroup, charge exorbitant fees and hourly rates. The…
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Labor on the Ropes
The Hill
Biden run could be a boon for Amtrak
Marc Scribner talks to The Hill about what Joe Biden's possible presidential run means for Amtrak: Competitive Enterprise Institute Transportation Research Fellow Marc…
The Wall Street Journal
Streetcar Projects Suffer a Bumpy Ride
The Wall Street Journal talks to CEI's Marc Scribner on Atlanta's streetcar system: “What Atlanta did was a huge mistake,” said Marc Scribner, a research…
Wall Street Journal
The Off-Grid Administration
The Wall Street Journal discusses CEI's discovery of the "Richard Windsor" EPA emails: In August the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a motion in…
The Blaze
‘No Authoritative List’: Federal Gov’t Lacks Precise Number on Just How Many Bureaucracies Exist
Wayne Crews discusses the murky number of federal agencies with The Blaze. Wayne Crews, vice president for policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute,…
Solyndra autopsy: Did Inspector General go too easy on Department of Energy?
William Yeatman talks to Watchdog on the Department of Energy's Solyndra report: That conclusion riles William Yeatman, senior fellow specializing in environmental policy…
Daily Caller
NLRB Upends Franchising And Contracting In Landmark Case
Iain Murray talks to the Daily Caller about the devastating effects of the NLRB Joint Employer ruling: The impact could be great. Many…
What Is Obama’s Top Population-Control Freak Hiding?
Townhall reports on CEI's Freedom of Information Act request. President Obama's top climate change adviser is defending his hide-and-seek game in federal court.
Top Class Actions
Class Action Fariness Advocate Objects to Softsoap Class Action Settlement
Top Class Actions discusses CEI’s Center for Class Action Fairness’ objection in the SoftSoap class action settlement: The objection was filed by objector…
Another White House Email Scandal Erupts
WND reports on CEI's Freedom of Information Act request, quoting Sam Kazman on the issue. John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science…
The Blaze
Another Obama Administration Official Is Facing Scrutiny Over Private Emails
The Blaze dicusses with Sam Kazman CEI's appeal of the court's decision to allow an Obama administration official to keep emails regarding government business at a private…
The Daily Caller
A Conservative Think Tank Wants The White House Science Czar’s Private Emails
The Daily Caller cites CEI`s Sam Kazman on the private email accounts by top Obama administration officials: “There are a growing…
The Heartlander
Congressional Republicans Attempt to Delay, Defang Clean Power Plan
The Heartlander cites CEI`s Myron Ebell on the EPA rules: President Barack Obama has already threatened to veto any bill attempting to block…
The Hill
Climate fight shifts to courts
The Hill cites CEI`s William Yeatman on Obama`s Clean Air Act: “That is the most viable pathway by which the rule will be…
VIDEO: Carrie Sheffield Discusses EPA’s Latest Regulations on Fox Business.
Carrie Sheffield, Tom Borelli and John Lonski discuss the latest EPA regulations and the Clean Power Plan with David Asman. [VIDEO::https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR7IdpjWkFM::aVideoStyle]…
William Yeatman discusses the Clean Power Plan
William Yeatman discusses the newly-released Clean Power Plan with OneNewsNow's Chris Woodward. Click here to listen.
Fox News
Critics blast loophole that forces taxpayers to fund public sector union work
The Fox News cites CEI`s Trey Kovacs on the Texas union “release time” benefits: “Union release time is a plague on local, state…
San Antonio police, researcher trade shots over ‘release time’
The Watchdog.org cites CEI`a Trey Kovacs on the Texas union “release time” benefits: A critic of union “release time” is sticking by his…
The Heartlander
Heartland Institute Joins Coalition Opposing Internet Sales Tax Bill
The Heartlander cites CEI`s Jessica Melugin on the internet sales tax: Jessica Melugin, an adjunct fellow with the Competitive Enterprise Institute, says RTPA…
The Washington Free Beacon
Clinton Climate Plan Winners Include Supporters’ Clients, Employers
The Washington Free Beacon cites CEI`s William Yeatman on Clinton’s plan to dramatically boost U.S. solar power production: John Podesta, the center’s founder,…
The Heartlander
Senators Rubio, Graham Propose Online Poker Ban
The Heartlander cites CEI`s Michelle Minton on the proposed ban of online poker and gambling: Michelle Minton, a consumer policy fellow at the Competitive…
The Heartlander
House Transportation Chairman Proposes Privatizing Air Traffic Control
The Heartlander cites CEI`s Marc Scribner on privatisation of air traffic control: Marc Scribner, a transportation policy research fellow with the Competitive Enterprise…
The Southwest Times Record
Analysis: Businesses Getting Steamrolled On Minimum Wage; Here’s Why
The Southwest Times Record cites CEI`s Carrie Sheffield on the minimum wage: “I think it’s complex,” says Carrie Sheffield, who covers the issue…
The Guardian
‘Beepocalypse Not’: Alec lobbyists abuzz in defense of pesticides amid die-offs
The Guaridan cites CEI`s Angela Logomasini on the pesticides having been blamed for the `beepocalypse`: “The term ‘beepocalypse’ was hype and focused on…
Reason argues Dodd-Frank conflict minerals rule has made bloodshed in the Congo worse
The ProfessorBrainbridge cites CEI`s Hans Bader on the Dodd-Frank mineral rules: According to a working paper from Dominic P. Parker of the University of Wisconsin…
Yet more on Dodd-Frank conflict minerals rules
The Overlawyered cites CEI`s Hans Bader on Dodd-Frank conflict minerals rules:…
July 22 Roundup
The Overlawyered cites CEI`s Hans Bader on HUD's "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing:…
The Bob Zadek Show – Lawson Bader on Curtailing the Regulatory State
The Obama-Clinton Cloward-Piven legacy
The WND cites CEI`s Bill Frezza on Obama`s welfare reforms: In his Forbes article, “Deconstructing Obamanomics: What is the Real Goal?,” Bill Frezza, an MIT…
EEOC: federal law already bans sexual-orientation bias
The Overlawyered cites CEI`s Hans Bader on EEOC Llgislation banning discrimination based on sexual orientation:…
TSA sued over airport body scanners
Marc Scribner is quoted in a report on a lawsuit filed by CEI over the deployment of body scanners in airports: “There is…
USA Today
Lawsuit: TSA needs formal regulations for full-body scanners
The USA Today cites CEI`s Marc Scribner on the TSA body scanners: The latest lawsuit is a demand for action from the Competitive…
Washington Examiner
TSA sued over airport body scanner regs
The Washington Examiner cites CEI`s Marc Scribner on TSA body scanners: "For four years the TSA has flouted the court's order, preventing the…
July 15 Roundup
The Overlawyered cites CEI`s Hans Bader on Fair Housing Act: “Every state county or municipality…should think…
The College Fix
Two-thirds of subsidized financial aid swallowed up by tuition increases, Federal Reserve Bank study finds
The College Fix quotes CEI`s Hans Bader on federal student aid programs: The Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Hans Bader cites…
Washington Examiner
Can this businessman’s green turn GOP green?
The Washington Examiner cites CEI`s Myron Ebell on Jay Faison`s donation to super PAC for a non-binding amendment affirming climate change as real and primarily…
The Washington Examiner
Junk science = garbage policy
The Washington Examiner cites CEI`s Greg Conko on junk science and food regulations: Greg Conko is from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free-market…
The Washington Times
Desire cools for streetcar in D.C. amid missteps, costs
The Washington Times cites CEI`s Marc Scribner on the streetcar system: There’s at least one thing on which opponents and supporters of a…