
Farm bill excesses

With U.S. farm production and farmers’ incomes soaring, why is a bloated farm bill likely to sweep through the House-Senate conference this spring? The Wall…

Consumer Freedom


Bad teeth (2)

Eli— Here’s another theory — fluoridation of water is very widespread in the U.S. but is very limited in England. (About 10 percent of…


Big drop in commodity prices

Commodity prices plunge is the big news in the markets today. According to Bloomberg today, commodities are– . . . heading for the biggest…


Shades of Smoot-Hawley

An excellent commentary on today on the wave of protectionism spurred on not just by U.S. presidential candidates but by other rich countries.


Anti-trade activists — beyond NAFTA

Trade critics, sensing blood from the populist success in the presidential primaries, are moving beyond NAFTA to call for a crackdown on investment provisions in…


Soyabean prices are a’soaring

The Financial Times today carries an article about how soaring soyabean (soybean to us) prices are causing large-scale protests in Indonesia…


Searching for (perfect) safety

The Financial Times today has a very perceptive article, “Too much safety in America’s playrooms,” by Patti Waldmeir. Waldmeir points to the current…


Don’t blame trade, says Brooks

Writing from Beijing, New York Times columnist David Brooks in his column today notes how American sentiment is increasingly against trade and globalization and…


“Turkeys on the Hill”

For my Thanksgiving treat, here’s my list of five “Turkeys on the Hill” — legislation that is particularly onerous for consumers, taxpayers, and citizens —…


House votes for Peru FTA

Today the House of Representatives voted 285-132 to approve the U.S.-Peru Free Trade Agreement. The Senate now has to consider legislation implementing the agreement.


More on Manhunt

I’d like to second Hans’s recommendation to read Manhunt — and I feel a more personal connection: The hunt for John Wilkes Booth…


NYT: “Pass the Peru FTA”

“Pass the Peruvian F.T.A,” so reads a New York Times editorial today on the same day the House is scheduled to vote on the…


Sugar lobby sweetens pols’ pot

Terrific front-page article on the influence of the sugar lobby in the Washington Post on Saturday by Dan Morgan recounting how the sugar industry’s…


More on private preservation

Eli’s post about historic preservation and his mention of D.C.’s Meridian Hill Park has a lesson for preservationists who promote government as the savior…


Free trade’s not the villain

Cato’s Center for Trade Policy Studies has just released a study by Dan Griswold showing that increased trade is not responsible for a lower…


Middle-class job losses? (2)

The Wall Street Journal today carries an opinion piece by Stephen J. Rose (subscription required), a labor economist with the Progressive Policy Institute, titled…


Zoning out

Eli’s post on D.C. taxicab fare proposals comes out strongly for the zone system over metered cabs. As a person who used to take…


Tyler Cowen on Klein

George Mason economics professor Tyler Cowen has a searing review in the New York Sun today on Naomi Klein’s new screed, The Shock Doctrine.


Is Stalinism catching on?

A startling Reuters article today was titled “Gorbachev warns Russians against rise of Stalinism.” As reported, the former Soviet president made his…


More on internet co-ops

Eli’s post on internet co-ops referring to Wayne’s post about broadband infrastructure got my mind whirring about other examples of cooperatives — housing…


Pavarotti — RIP

As an opera lover, I have to take note of the death of Luciano Pavarotti today at the age of 71. One of the leading…


NPR hits sugar program

Yesterday NPR’s All Things Considered took up the 2007 Farm Bill again and focused on the clout that sugar producers enjoy in both the…


A subprime bailout or not?

This morning both Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and President George W. Bush addressed the subprime lending problems and what the government would and would…


Katrina anniversary musings

As a New Orleans native — born and raised there — I've been reading the coverage of Hurricane Katrina's second anniversary today. Next…