For over three decades, CEI has advocated health care reforms that put more power in the hands of consumers to choose their health providers, treatment protocols, and scope of insurance coverage. We have advocated reform of the Food and Drug Administration’s drug and device approval process to allow for greater flexibility and patient choice. And in 2013, CEI organized the court challenges to Obamacare’s exchange subsidies that concluded with the Supreme Court’s King v. Burwell decision.
Healthcare Issue Areas
Featured Posts
FTC’s second interim report on PBMs: Don’t hold your breath
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will consider issuing a second interim report on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) tomorrow during its January 14 open meeting.
Congress shouldn’t rely on incomplete FTC PBM study
Lawmakers are making a last-minute push to regulate the practices of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) during the lame duck session. However, it would be a…
Wall Street Journal
A Thumb on the Scale for Wegovy
The Biden administration announced one more bit of executive overreach on its way out the door. On Nov. 26, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid…
Search Posts
News Release
Report : Making Sure a COVID-19 Vaccine Is Used
A new Competitive Enterprise Institute report examines what employers, businesses, and political leaders can and should do to help people get vaccinated against the coronavirus, once…
New CEI Report: Making Sure a COVID-19 Vaccine Is Used
One or more COVID-19 vaccines will likely be approved in the next few months. But this scientific achievement may prove to be the easy part.
Wall Street Journal
Democrats Assured ACA Would Come Before ACB
California and the House asked the Supreme Court to fast-track’s Texas’ challenge to the law. Democrats now claim they oppose Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation…
Issues & Insights
COVID-19 Lockdowns Have Been A Disaster — End Them Now
Issues & Insights cites CEI Senior Fellow Joel Zinberg on COVID-19. “The lockdowns led to wide unemployment and economic recession, resulting in increased…
Amazon Claims Worker COVID-19 Infection Rates below Norm
Amazon’s critics have made a point of saying the company is endangering its employees by keeping its fulfillment centers active during the COVID-19…
City Journal
Cuomo’s Vaccine Overreach
The New York governor’s incorrect claim that his state can review FDA vaccine approval will lead to more contagion and illness. New York governor Andrew…
Inside Sources
The Double Standard for Nicotine and Cannabis
The U.S. House of Representatives may soon vote on a historic measure to end federal prohibition on cannabis. Ironically, just as the public and political…
The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine
View Full Document as PDF Executive Summary The principal benefit of recreational cannabis, as the name implies, is recreation. Many who enjoy using…
National Review
Cancel Culture Comes to Medicine
Cancel culture has come to medicine. Dr. Scott Atlas, who was chairman of neuroradiology at Stanford’s medical school until 2012 and more recently a senior fellow…
News Release
Report: Politics, Not Science, Drives Double Standard on Cannabis, Nicotine Policies
As the House votes on a bill this month to end the federal prohibition on cannabis – once unthinkable – a new Competitive Enterprise…
Trump’s Drug Price Controls are a Lousy Deal for Patients
Prescription drug prices are popular targets for lawmakers—especially in an election year. Still, it came as quite a surprise when President Trump issued an…
The Washington Examiner
Government Alcohol Advice Should be Based on Evidence, Not Agendas
Should adults cut their alcohol consumption in half for health reasons? That’s what a federal government advisory committee is recommending. It matters because that recommendation…
FDA Rules on E-cigarette Makers Go into Effect Today, to the Detriment of Public Health
The world was simpler in 2009 when Congress enacted a law that gave the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the power to regulate tobacco. Back…
The Hill
Ending Counterproductive, Counterintuitive Regulation
Early in the COVID-19 crisis, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) chided the Trump administration’s response and demanded “testing, testing, testing.” Yet, when…
CEI Joins Premarket Tobacco Authorization Coalition Letter
View Full Document as PDF Commissioner Hahn: On behalf of taxpayers and consumers across the country, the undersigned 15 organizations strongly urge you…
City Journal
Pointless Quarantine
New York’s restrictions on interstate travelers are overbroad and punish rather than protect New Yorkers. At the end of March, Rhode Island governor Gina Raimondo…
National Review
How Trump Can Help Reopen America’s Schools
It’s almost the middle of August, and many parents still have little idea if their kids will be able to go to school in a few…
The Wall Street Journal
The White House Prepared for a Pandemic
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched the Democrats’ broadside against the Trump administration’s Covid-19 response. “Our current federal government is dysfunctional and incompetent,” he told…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Most Favored Nation Drug Pricing Proposal
On behalf of the undersigned federal and state-based organizations, we write to express our grave concerns with the “most favored nation” (MFN) executive order to impose foreign…
City Journal
Following The Science — Where?
When doctors meet a patient for a new complaint, we make a list of different possible explanations for the problem—a differential diagnosis—and try to determine…
Inside Sources
Government Contact Tracing Won’t Help Get Americans Back to Work, but Innovation Will
Contact tracing identifies people who have an infectious disease (cases) and people they came in contact with (contacts) who may have become infected.
News Release
Price Controls for Medicines Risk Harming Innovation When Breakthrough Drugs or Vaccines May Mean Life or Death
President Trump is expected to issue an executive order today directing his administration to take a series of actions related to pharmaceuticals and the price…
#NeverNeeded Price Gouging Laws Would Harm COVID-19 Response
Price gouging becomes a hot topic during every crisis. It has become especially topical during the COVID-19 crisis. Almost overnight, the need exploded for goods…
National Review
Stop the Youth Vaping ‘Epidemic’ by Ending Youth Anti-Vaping Campaigns
Anyone who has raised teenagers knows that forbidding an activity is a sure way to pique their curiosity. Yet this is the approach American policymakers and…
City Journal
Death By Policy
Many years ago, one of my duties as a young surgical intern was to fill out death certificates for recently deceased patients. Under “cause of death,” Part…
Air Conditioning Can Help Fight COVID-19—If Federal Policy Allows It To
COVID-19 persists into the time of year when most Americans rely on air conditioning, so many are asking whether cranking up the cold air helps…
CEI Joins ATR Letter In Opposition to Buy American Mandates in FY21
View Full Document as PDF Dear Member of the House Armed Services Committee: I urge you to reject any amendment to FY 2021…
Duluth News Tribune
National View: Media Giving Free Pass to Protests After Months of Lockdown Mania
The Duluth News Tribune cites CEI Senior Fellow Joel Zinberg: “Public health,” America has learned, is more ideology than science. Many of…
What Does The Future Hold For Reusables Post-COVID?
Resource cites CEI’s Angelo Logomasini’s report on single use plastics: In the US, there have been calls that reusable bags are hindering the fight…
Inside Sources
Media Gives Pass To Protests After Months Of Lockdown Mania
Inside Sources quotes CEI senior fellow Joel Zinberg: Public health,” America has learned, is more ideology than science. Many of the officials…
News Release
#NeverNeeded Regulation Report: Trump Administration Should Stop Funding WHO Agency Pushing Faulty Findings About Cancer Risks
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is calling for the Trump Administration to defund the International Agency for Research on Cancer. A division of the World Health…
End All National Institutes of Health Grants to the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer
As the Trump administration considers defunding the World Health Organization (WHO) because of its handling of the COVID-19 crisis, it should also make sure that…
Perverse Psychology: How Anti-Vaping Campaigns Backfired
We have spent years and countless billions trying to deal with the supposed epidemic of youth vaping. It has only gotten worse. A new CEI…
News Release
Dr. Nancy Beck Will Bring Thoughtful Consideration of Science to Consumer Product Safety Commission
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will today hold a hearing to consider the nomination of Dr. Nancy Beck to be chair…
Inside Sources
Are Protests Safe From COVID-19? Politics Guide Answers.
For months, a constant refrain in discussions of the COVID-19 pandemic has been: follow the science, listen to the experts.
National Review
A Doctor’s Assessment of the COVID-19 Outbreak
Last week, my daughter, a freshman at a Midwestern university, was informed that the spring quarter would be replaced by a remotely conducted quarter. Hundreds of…
News Release
Report: Youth Vaping Rate Increased with Anti-Vaping Campaigns
Today the Competitive Enterprise Institute released a report on the connection between underage e-cigarette use and anti-vaping advocacy.
Freedom Caucus Podcast
AUDIO: Dr. Joel Zinberg Joins the Freedom Caucus Podcast
Senior Fellow Dr. Joel Zinberg joins the Freedom Caucus Podcast to discuss the COVID vaccine & reopening our economy. A doctor and lawyer, he shares about his…
#NeverNeed Regulations and the Coronavirus
What is the appropriate public policy response to COVID-19 crisis? In a new short video, Kent Lassman makes the case for lifting government barriers that…
Green Activists Make Highly Dubious Claims about CPSC Nominee Nancy Beck
Left-of-center activists are opposing toxicologist Nancy Beck's nomination to head up the Consumer Product Safety Commission. They suggest that since she once worked for the…
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: Anti-Drug Warriors’ Crocodile Tears
There is a lot to say about the heinous killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and no shortage of opinions being offered. Many have…
USA Today
Coronavirus Vaccine Not the End-All-Be-All. We Must Have a Plan for Reopening Without One
Dr. Anthony Fauci and other experts have touted vaccines as the ultimate solution to dealing with the threat of COVID-19. There are strong reasons to…
Inside Sources
Pandemic Should Spur Large Scale Deregulation to Aid Recovery
Regulations are a big obstacle in fighting the coronavirus. They are also a major obstacle to economic recovery.
Mission Creep and Wasteful Spending Left the CDC Unprepared for an Actual Public Health Crisis
Reason cites Senior Fellow Michelle Minton on the CDC and the nation’s response to COVID-19: “The CDC devolved into an agency incapable of…
National Review
Public Choice and the Pandemic
Shocked by the large numbers of people congregating on California beaches, Governor Gavin Newsom recently decided to shut some of them down altogether. Large numbers of people then…
National Review
How Loosening Regulations Can Fight Coronavirus and Help the Economy
If a regulation isn’t needed during a crisis, it was probably never needed at all. To his credit, President Trump signed an executive order on May…
News Release
#NeverNeeded Regulation Report: Deploy Rational Science-Based Policies for Medical Plant Sterilization
After an EPA program produced a highly flawed assessment in 2016 that vastly overstated the risk of Ethylene Oxide (EtO), a critical gas used for…
Deploy Rational Science-Based Policies for Medical Plant Sterilization
Several medical supply sterilization plants have shut down during the past year because of unwarranted fearmongering about ethylene oxide (EtO), a gas used to sterilize…
National Review
Let the Doctors Work
Buried in the recent announcement by the Bureau of Economic Analysis that real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased at an annual rate of 4.8 percent in the first…
A New Approach to COVID-19 Response
The new coronavirus—SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19—is here to stay until either a vaccine or herd immunity limits the number of people susceptible to…
News Release
#Neverneeded Regulation Report: CDC, FDA Response to COVID-19 Hindered by Mission Creep
The nation’s top federal agencies tasked with protecting public health have been increasingly distracted over recent years by dubious priorities having nothing to do with…
Narrow the Focus of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may well have taken their eye off the ball by…
VIDEO: Iain Murray Discusses #NeverNeeded Regulations and COVID-19
Vice President for Strategy and Senior Fellow Iain Murray joins Dana Loesch to discuss #neverneeded regulations and COVID-19…
The Epoch Times
Federal, State, and Local Governments Shed Over 170 Regulations to Fight Pandemic
The Epoch Times cites CEI on #neverneeded regulations: Even more regulations can be scrapped to empower American industry to help with the crisis,…
Bloomberg Law
Covid-19 Revives Debate over Economic Benefits of Deregulation
Bloomber Law cites Vice President for Strategy and Senior Fellow Iain Murray on #neverneeded regulations: Direct government aid won’t be enough to get…
Regulation after COVID-19
The CATO Institute cites CEI on #neverneeded regulations: Many of these regulations have no sound public justification whether in or outside of an…
The Federalist
South Africa’s Coronavirus Repression Signals Worse To Come
The Federalist cites CEI on #neverneeded regulations: Think tanks and researchers are working hard to shine a light on just how destructive artificial…
The Washington Examiner
Contact Tracing: Let the Private Sector Lead
As state and local restrictions begin to relax, the essential questions for many people are remarkably similar to what we asked in March. What will…
The Washington Examiner
How to Reopen the Economy with a Reality-Based Approach
Sweeping public health measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, such as banning large gatherings, travel restrictions, closing all but essential businesses, closing schools, and “social distancing”…
News Release
CEI Welcomes Senior Fellow with Health Care and Legal Expertise
The Competitive Enterprise Institute is pleased to welcome medical and legal expert Joel M. Zinberg, M.D., J.D. as a senior fellow working on health care…
CNS News
COVID-19 May Be Bad News for Environmentalist Bullies
The economic destruction wrought by the coronavirus pandemic has been severe and global. More than 10 million Americans lost their jobs and applied for unemployment benefits in…
VIDEO: Road Map to Reopening
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted a fascinating video conference this week entitled “Big Picture: Road Map to Reopening,” with the Chamber’s Suzanne Clark and…
Apple and Google Demonstrate Big Tech Done Right Can Make Big Government Obsolete
Many see the purpose of government as solving problems that otherwise wouldn’t be efficiently addressed in its absence. Yet, despite the steady growth of government,…
Medical Supply Sterilization Plant Employee Corrects Chicago Tribune’s Misleading Coverage
An April 13 letter to the editor in the Chicago Tribune addresses the paper’s misleading and alarmist narrative about the use of ethylene oxide (EtO).
How to Spot a #NeverNeeded Regulation
Not every regulation on the books is directly harming the COVID-19 response. There are a lot of other regulations that need reform, but the #NeverNeeded…
Inside Sources
Post-Virus Economics – Working Toward a Small Business Recovery
When the stay-at-home orders are lifted, we’ll be in a race to get millions of Americans back to work. Large companies will be in a…
Real Clear Markets
An Effective Pandemic Response Would Be Deregulation
During a pandemic, regulations should not get between sick people and health care, or between hungry people and food. This also applies in normal times.
How SEC Accounting Regulations Hindered National Stockpile—and Still May Be Doing So
In a new report, CEI experts outline #NeverNeeded regulations that are frustrating responses to the pandemic and its aftermath. Among those is an obscure Securities…
National Review
The Test’s the Thing
The White House is now balancing the risk to public health and the risk to economic welfare posed by the coronavirus crisis. Yet a solution could…
The Washington Examiner
List: 30 Regulations that Stymied Trump’s Virus Response
The Washington Examiner cites CEI’s latest report on #NeverNeeded regulations: “Many regulations have proven to hinder or delay appropriate policy responses. Other regulations…
News Release
Report: Repeal #NeverNeeded Regulations to Help COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 relief bills have so far focused on keeping businesses and households afloat during the pandemic closures and quarantines, but the federal government should continue…
How Repeal of #NeverNeeded Regulations Can Help Responses to the COVID-19 Crisis
A number of factors are combining to stress the American economy in the spring of 2020—the global and domestic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, an…
News Release
701k Jobs Lost in March 2020: Statement by Iain Murray
In response to today's abysmal jobs report tallied by the federal government – 701,000 jobs lost in March as a result of the COVID-19 lockdowns.
Inside Sources
CDC Priorities Left Government Unprepared for COVID-19
It was always a matter of when — not if — a new viral pandemic would make it to America.
Antitrust Policy #NeverNeeded and Dangerous in a Crisis
The Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission will now allow some collaboration between companies to address the corona virus health threat. They also warned a…
The Guardian Props Up Lame Greenpeace Tirade, Ignores Potential COVID-19 Risks from Reusable Grocery Bags
The Guardian recently published a story on a Greenpeace attack on CEI for pointing out that reusable grocery bags might contain dangerous pathogens, including COVID-19.
Post-Corona Politics: Opportunities and Threats
There is a lot of attention being paid to the latest emergency legislation being proposed to address the coronavirus pandemic, from $1,000 checks for every…
Getting Rid of #NeverNeeded Regulations Hindering Coronavirus Response
What can Washington do to minimize harm from the coronavirus? Some of the best policy responses are coming not from imposing new regulations, but from…
Liberty in the Time of Coronavirus Part 2
Much of the money dedicated to medical research and services comes from the federal government. While some may see this is a good way to…
The Washington Examiner
AOC Spreads Disinformation to Push Socialism Amid Coronavirus Panic
The Washington Examiner cites Research Fellow Richard Morrison on AOC’s comparison of the Fed’s response to COVID-19 and student loan debt relief: The…
Regulation, Confusion, and the Irony of Emergency COVID-19 Testing
By now, readers are aware that testing in the United States for the novel coronavirus COVID-19 has been embarrassingly slow. Less well known is that…
Coronavirus and the Limits of “Flash Policy”
The coronavirus outbreak is serious, and it deserves a serious response. If you’re healthy, help people out. If you have elderly relatives or neighbors, reach…
Trump Administration Expected to Adopt Socialized Medicine Drug Pricing Control Scheme
Regardless of the outcome of the Iowa Caucuses on Monday night, the successive presidential campaigns of Democratic Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) have dragged the…
Vaping Post
E-Cigarettes and the Creation of Ignorance
Vaping Post cites CEI’s study by Senior Fellow Michelle Minton: Michelle Minton writing in, ‘fear Profiteers,’ [26] sums things up thus……
News Release
Federal Government Misled Public on E-Cigarette Health Risk: CEI Report
A new report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute calls into question government handling of e-cigarette risk to public health, especially last week after the U.S.
Federal Health Agencies’ Misleading Messaging on E-Cigarettes Threatens Public Health
The scientific community is increasingly unified in the assessment that e-cigarettes are vastly safer than smoking, help smokers quit, and are a net positive for…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Fixed Drug Pricing
Dear Republican Members of the House and Senate, We represent fiscal conservatives and free market activists from across the country, and we are concerned about…
Inside Sources
Federal Children’s Environmental Health Grants Used to Peddle Junk Science
For more than two decades, the federal government has doled out millions of dollars to fund university-based “children’s environmental health centers.” These centers operate under…
Fox News
Pelosi, Progressive Caucus Clash over Drug Pricing Legislation
Fox News cites Research Fellow Patrick Hedger on Nancy Pelosi’s proposed “Lower Drug Costs Now Act.” But according to the right-leaning Competitive Enterprise…
The Black Market Is the Real Problem with Vaping
Townhall cites Senior Fellow Michelle Minton on e-cigarettes and the black market. But, as Michelle Minton of the Competitive Enterprise Institute stated after…
News Release
House Bill Setting Price Controls on Medicines Would Endanger Patients, Harm Innovation
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer plan to bring H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, to the floor for a…
Real Clear Markets
With Drug Pricing, Bipartisanship Isn’t an Excuse to Violate the Laws of Economics
In an age of intense political polarization, some may assume anything that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump even marginally agree on has…
The Economic Standard
Drug Reference Pricing Threatens Patient Health, Innovation
The Economic Standard cites Research Fellow Patrick Hedger and CEI’s event on drug reference pricing: Some recent proposals to lower drug prices are…
News Release
Foreign Reference Pricing Schemes Threaten Patient Health and America’s Leadership in Medical Innovation
International policy experts and patients gathered today in Washington, D.C. to discuss the potential impact of foreign reference pricing schemes, which have been proposed by the…
Proposals for and Problems with International Drug Reference Pricing
Healthcare costs remain top of mind in American politics. Polls consistently show that healthcare is one of, if not the top, priority for voters heading into the…
News Release
CEI Report Disputes Claims Tobacco 21 Laws Reduce Teen Smoking
A new Competitive Enterprise Institute report questions whether laws that hike the purchase age for tobacco and e-cigarette products to 21 actually reduce smoking rates…
News Release
International Experts Voice Concerns About International Pricing Index and Foreign Reference Pricing Proposals for Prescription Drugs
To address the cost of prescription medicines, the Trump administration and congressional leaders have proposed instituting international reference pricing policies, like the International Pricing Index…
The Wall Street Journal
Why the U.K. Isn’t Having Problems with Vaping
The Wall Street Journal cites Senior Fellow Michelle Minton on e-cigarettes: Michelle Minton of the Competitive Enterprise Institute says: “A ban on flavors,…
News Release
Trump Administration Should Eliminate Funding for EPA-NIH Programs Pushing Agenda-Driven Science
As the federal government observes Children’s Health Month in October, a new report by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) calls on the Trump Administration and…
Federally Funded Children’s Environmental Health Centers Do Little to Promote Public Health
October is Children’s Health Month, a time when official federal agencies call attention to important efforts and policies designed to advance childhood health and safety.