The Freeman

Kickstarting It Old School

If you’ve been to crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, you might think that they are new phenomena, made possible only by the wonder of…


A Professor Who Suffers No Fools

Deserts are peculiar barren land areas with little precipitation and hostile living conditions. They often serve as dramatic settings of Biblical proportions—quite literally. In the…

Washington Examiner

Easy Come, Easy Go

The Federal Reserve announced Oct. 29 that it was ending quantitative easing, its program to keep interest rates low. Two days later and halfway around…

Regulatory Reform

Human Events

In Memory of Gordon Tullock

This column was originally published at Human Events on November 10, 2014. As I watched last week’s election returns, my mind numbed to the…

Human Events

In Memoriam: Leonard Liggio

At the end of the film Amazing Grace, Lord Charles Fox honors William Wilberforce’s tireless crusade to abolish the transatlantic slave trade. “When people speak…

Human Events

Words Matter

We teach our children words matter—both in their intent and their actual use. Unfortunately, many grow up to become politicians or bureaucrats adept at manufacturing…


Human Events

The Millennial Hope

Becoming a parent is life changing. And among the greatest changes are some surprising moments of great self-awareness. For example, the first time I sputtered…

Human Events

Time Has a Way of Blurring Memories

Time has a way of blurring memories’ edges. Or in some cases obliterating them. We accuse younger siblings of revisionism when they incorrectly recount family…

The Freeman

Deputizing America

It’s an old Western movie trope. The harassed sheriff needs help against Desperado D. Blackhat and his gang of gunslingers. He goes into the saloon,…

Human Events

Big Government Ripple Effect

I am fascinated by ripples  – whether from stones thrown into a pond or ocean waves crashing on a rocky seashore. If you’ve ever observed…