
Free to Prosper

CEI’s Agenda for the 116th Congress highlights specific steps lawmakers can take to rein in unlawful overreach by executive agencies, reduce the costs of federal regulations,…

Business and Government


CEI is Moving!

The Competitive Enterprise Institute is moving this week. Learn how to get in touch!…


CEI Dinner 2016 Keynote Address

CEI was pleased to have the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Steve Forbes, deliver the keynote address at our Annual Dinner and Reception on…


Regulation: A Hidden Tax

The scope and impact of federal regulations is staggering. Today, the unbudgeted costs of regulation now exceed half the amount the U.S. federal government spends…


CEI Statement on Today’s Net Neutrality Vote

Competitive Enterprise Institute associate director of technology studies Ryan Radia issued the following statement on Thursday's Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote to implement new net neutrality rules: …

Cato Institute

The Odd Couple Converge

Unz and Norquist were joined on the program by other conservative figures from the American Enterprise Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Tea Party Nation, the…